Welcome to camp. Here’s everything parents need to know about us…

This summer, I will prepare young girls to face the world as it truly is. The whole girl body & mind – healthy living mindfulness

A Mind Body Wellness @ Earth•Ling Girls Summer Camp for Holistic Health & Creative Expression, 8-13yrs old

By incorporating contemplative mindful practices and creating a rich learning experience, students are equipped with not only knowledge and wisdom but also the essential skills to “be the change” in their classrooms, homes, environments, and their communities.

Located on 5 acres of lush land, Earth-Ling Farm is a fruit farm – and a sanctuary for holistic practices and sustainable agriculture. Home and farm of husband & wife, Architect, BioGeometry Practitioner, J. Robert Barnes and ERY-T500Yoga SEL Youth Wellness Educator, Debie Lee.

Contact: emails@debielee.com or text only @ 786-267-1203.

Please inquire about any discounts available for families.

“Summer camp can be a life-changing experience for all children.
One that teaches life’s skills is one that is remembered for a life time!”

“Health is the crown that every girl deserves to wear”
At Earth.Ling Farm we are inspired to use wellness through such as mindfulness, meditation, yoga, mindful photography, art therapy, sound healing therapy, nutrition, & horticulture therapy as a aim to enhance psychological well-being, and support holistic learning, to encourage healthy eating habits, and foster social-emotional learning. We believe that these activities can be powerful tools for healing and driving positive social change.
Earth.Ling Farm’s mission is to help Change the World around us, One Child at a Time…to enhance the health and well-being of youths,and their families.
At EarthLing Farms, girls have the opportunity to spread their wings in a safe, compassionate and fun environment surrounded by love, great architecture & nature.
No Camp on June 19- Holiday is Juneteenth Day,
July 4 is Independence Day,
July11, 12 & 15 are days previously planned for our family weekend trip to New York. Apologies for any inconvenience.
$45 per day or $225 Per Week
*After care is also available $20 per hour.

Here are some key aspects of what is offered:
Creativity: Earthling Farm encourages creativity. Whether it’s through art therapy, mindful gardening, or exploring the natural world, young girls have the space to express themselves and think outside the box.
Social and Group Learning Skills: Interaction with other campers is essential for growth. Girls learn how to collaborate, communicate, and build meaningful connections with fellow campers.
Decision-Making Skills: Making choices is part of life. Earthling Farm empowers girls to make decisions while learning from one another..
Friendship: Earthling Farm fosters a sense of community. Girls can form lasting friendships while working together, sharing stories, and celebrating the joys of farm life.
Activity & Skills for Life: From planting seeds to harvesting vegetables, Earthling Farm provides hands-on experiences. These practical skills stay with girls throughout their lives.
Being Yourself: Girls can be true to themselves, explore their interests, and discover their unique strengths.
Girls Are Our World!

Summer Goals:

1. To encourage self-awareness and self-acceptance

2. To foster a supportive community and lasting friendships

3. To promote physical and mental well-being

4. To develop resilience and coping skills

5. To empower girls to become confident, compassionate leaders

Weekly Mindful Themes~ Activities

Each day will begin with mindfulness awareness of MINDBODY connection to breath meditation & Fun Themed Yoga Practice for kids and …The kid friendly version of…

The Four Foundations of Mindfulness; Mindfulness of Body, Breath Awareness, Observing Four Posture (sitting, standing, walking, lying) Reflecting on 32 parts of the body. Investigate the four elements ( earth, water, fire, air)

Mindfulness of Feelings; sensory experiences of pleasant, unpleasant, or neutral. Mental patterns.

Engaging discussions about our emotions and feelings.

Discussions & practice exploring meditation and techniques for focusing on breathing and stillness of body.

Guided Meditations: Lead campers through mindfulness meditations, focusing on breath awareness and body scan.

More…Friendships & Boundaries. Yoga & Relationships:

  • Daily Fun Yoga Sessions: Teach basic yoga poses and breathing techniques while strengthening our bodies & stretching Nature Yoga: Practice yoga outdoors, connecting with the natural surroundings.

Therapeutic ArtTherapy: This type of fun art, campers will be focused on conveying thoughts and feelings without complex verbal exchanges as to relax to express themselves through creative painting or other form of artistic expressions.

Mindful Photography & Photo Walks: Campers take nature walks with their cameras, focusing on being present and noticing details. Photo Journaling: bbCampers will be encouraged to create a photo journal where they will capture moments that evoke mindfulness.

Growing Foods and Sustainability

Campers will learn about sustainable practices, gardening, and mindfully growing their own foods. During the camp sessions, young campers will have the opportunity to create their own plan for growing food and explore sustainable practices.

Heres a quick read about next generation: Youth and the Future of Food…https://genyouthnow.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/GY-InsightsSpring-2020Youth-Future-of-FoodFinal-High-Res-FINAL.pdf

Gardening Therapeutic Hands-on Workshops: Campers will learn about sustainable practices, gardening, and growing their own food mindfully.

The Garden Ecosystem: Vermicomposting, Becoming Soil Scientists, Compost to Soil, Garden Designing, Growing Our Own Food for Life- Farm to Table, Leadership & Stewardship.

  • Composting: Discuss the importance of composting and its impact on the environment. Demonstrations and composite our own foods for our own wellbeing and exploration.
  • Nutrition: focuses on the connection between food and mindfulness. Campers will learn about nutrition, mindful eating practices, and how food affects their well-being.
  • Garden-to-Table Experience: Campers will learn how to prepare simple, nutritious meals mindfully, all grown during camp sessions.
  • Mindful Eating Sessions: (a daily practice) Encourage campers to savor each bite, paying attention to taste, texture, and gratitude.
  • Junior Herbalists: Grow herbs and vegetables, learn about the medicinal properties and create safe concoctions. A hands-on and educational activity that promotes self-care and mindfulness. Last week of camp, campers will have opportunity to invite family for harvest and a feast! Additional recycled materials & supplies may be required from home.hands-on and educational activity that promotes self-care and mindfulness. A hands-on and educational activity that promotes self-care and mindfulness.
  • Earth Friendly Activities & Explore Nature: walks through our butterfly garden & explore; pollination, bees awareness, hello to the plants & bugs!

Music Therapy / Sound Healing: Music therapy to empower campers to explore music and dance as a means of expression, connection, and fun. 

Daily Group Reflections: These reflections provide an opportunity (at end of each day) for campers to process their experiences, share their thoughts, and connect with others. Here are some creative ways to facilitate meaningful reflections.

Field Trips are additional fees: Trips will take place within the Redland farmlands. See waivers below⬇️


Expressing gratitude: we will dedicate a section to things campers are thankful for.

Guest Speakers: (TBA) Women of our community will share their thoughts of wellness.

This summer we will feature guest speakers and will aim to empower young girls to becoming leaders. This will take place weekly providing valuable insights and inspiration for our campers. Parents are welcome to join in this discussions.

We are looking toward a wonderful summer with your girls!

Camp Waivers & Liability: Click link for waivers⬇️


What to bring to camp:


  • Healthy lunch (NO processed foods, sodas, chips, candies, chocolate, high sugary snacks)
  • Hat
  • Sunscreen
  • Towel
  • Swim wear
  • Bug repellent
  • Water in insulated bottle. NO PLASTIC bottles please.
  • Comfortable shoes (you may send sandals separately)
  • A bag to hold all items
  • Refrigerator is provided for lunch
  • Large t-shirt for art
  • Yoga mat is provided but you may send your child with their own.

Camp Guidelines:

  • Gate will be open at 8:45 am – parent must sign in student upon arrival each day.
  • All students are required to remain in groups at all times. Students must seek permission to use the restroom and must be accompanied by another camper. One camper may use the restroom alone while under adult supervision and monitoring.
  • Respect the land and all living beings on Earth-Ling Farm.
  • Follow all instructions given by owners, instructors, volunteers and staff for safety and enjoyment.
  • Keep the farm clean and tidy at all times.
  • No littering or damaging of farm property.
  • Participate in all activities with a positive attitude.
  • Treat fellow campers and staff with kindness and respect.
  • Be mindful of your surroundings and stay within designated areas.
  • Have and immerse yourself in the beauty of nature at Earth-Ling Farm!

“Women and girls can lead us to a fairer future…let us amplify girls’ voices, and recommit to working together to build a world where every girl can lead and thrive.” – UN Secretary General, Antonio Guterres

Below are images of Earth.Ling Farm

East Vortex Structure
Look through the lemon grass
Earth.Ling Farm – a view from the shade house – view of the pond & Energy Bridge. Our home is beyond th bridge.

Inside the shade house, we offer yoga sessions. This is our designated location for camp activities.

Labyrinth- for walking meditation
Water Play – for a cool summer
Let’s give our girls power https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4in8fhLkDS/?igsh=MWZsYm85b3EzN3c5
Dharma talk: Sugar and our health & reading nutrition labels.
Art Therapy
Meet Robert & Debie – owners of EarthLing Farm

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