My step-dad gave me the best advice… He’d say “Be independent and self-reliant. Learn how to do things on your own, grow your own food, make your own clothes, and follow your heart. Life is simple, and you are the only one who can truly understand it”.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?
  1. Conduct thorough research before making decisions, and don’t rely solely on others’ opinions.
  2. Read extensively, and if you don’t comprehend something, read it again until you do. Your father always found ways to provide you with reading materials.
  3. Try to avoid or displaying anger, particularly towards your rival. My father rarely became angry, but when he did, it was for a good reason. Stay calm, even in moments of anger.
  4. Avoid people who have hurt you in the past and don’t give them the opportunity to do so again.
  5. Take care of yourself both mentally and physically, meditate. He was a meditator and learn how to do so correctly by studying life.
  6. Pay close attention to your surroundings. You never know who is friend or bad person.
  7. Never look into the eyes of strangers. I didn’t quite understand this one until I learned a valuable lesson… I’ve encountered frightening situations a few times when looking into the eyes of mentally ill individuals. To this day, I still don’t look in the eyes of strangers on the streets or in public.
  8. Meditation can help you find peace and alleviate pain.
  9. Cultivate your own food, learn how to create your own items, pay attention how things were made …learn ways to make them and you won’t require much else.
  10. Follow your own path, be self-sufficient, and listen to your heart.

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