30-Day Affirmation Challenge

Positive affirmations can help you to challenge and overcome self-sabotaging and negative thoughts. When you repeat them often, and believe in them, you can start to make positive changes. To make it easier for you, we’ve come up with a 30-day affirmation challenge. All you have to do is repeat each phrase everyday as many times as you can. (Write down your challenge daily if this helps) Challenge accepted?

affirmation challenge

Please see text version of the 30-day affirmation challenge below:

  1. I am in control of my life.
  2. I have all the power in me to create a life I love.
  3. I face the day with energy and courage.
  4. My mind is clear, strong, and focused.
  5. I have enough, I do enough, and I am enough.
  6. I appreciate every moment of the day.
  7. I embrace the potential and possibilities of today.
  8. I am learning and growing everyday.
  9. Everything that is happening now is happening in my ultimate favour.
  10. I deserve the good things that happen in my life.
  11. I am beautiful and strong.
  12. Whatever I do, I choose to do it with joy.
  13. I love and accept myself as I am.
  14. I will not worry about things I cannot control.
  15. I choose happiness.
  16. I am trying my best.
  17. I’m allowed to say “NO”.
  18. I deserve to be loved and appreciated the healthy way.
  19. I belong here as much as everyone else.
  20. I can look for a solution, and even if I can’t, I have the power to let it go.
  21. I am powerful, I can do anything but not everything.
  22. I am becoming a better version of myself one day at a time.
  23. I deserve to be happy.
  24. I move forward with an open mind and heart.
  25. I believe I am an incredible person inside and out.
  26. I am now choosing empowering thoughts.
  27. I prioritise my physical and mental health.
  28. I dedicate myself to growth and love.
  29. I have the power to create my reality.
  30. I see beauty all around me.
  31. I am thankful for everything that is happening in my life.

